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“Make and Take” Canvas Painting at Paint, Glaze & Fire


Here’s how canvas painting works:

It doesn’t matter if you’re painting a portrait or a bowl of fruit or something wildly-abstract – here at Paint, Glaze & Fire, we’re always excited about the possibilities that paint and canvas represent. You can walk in and paint a canvas any time! So, come and see where the brushes take your great vision! Ready to begin a canvas painting project? Most canvas painting projects are completed and ready to take home with one visit!

Step one: Choose your canvas.

  • Our 12″ x 12″ canvas is $25
  • The 11″ x 14″ canvas is $25
  • And a 16″ x 20″ canvas is $45
  • Canvas cost also includes studio fee

Step two: Find your inspiration and let the colors flow beneath your brushes. Can’t draw? No worries, you can trace a pattern and paint!

Step three: Choose your paints. At Paint, Glaze & Fire a staff member will bring paints to your work table and give you basic instructions to help you get started.

Step four: Let your painted canvas dry. And if you haven’t finished your painted masterpiece, you can return once free of charge to put on the finishing touches (additional visits for completion are $5.00 each).

Keep in mind: The acrylic paint used for canvas painting is not washable. But we have aprons for kids to wear, so they don’t splatter their good school clothes!

Be sure to check out our daily specials.
